Friday, June 17, 2005

Ethiopia and Nubia

Ethiopia and Nubia
On the border of the Arabian peninsula, the geographic heart of Islam, stood the land of the Biblical Cush, named after the grandson of Noah. The Cush later to be called the Kingdom of Axum had been yoked to the Hebrew religion since the days of Queen Sheba and King Solomon. Christianity came to the modern Ethiopia (whose name is derived by the Greeks as the land of the scorched faces) in the fourth century by way of piracy. Red Sea brigands seized a cargo ship bound for India and put every man, woman and child to the sword except for two boys Edesius and Frumentius nephews of the recently deceased Merope of Tyre. The pirates sold the Christian boys to the pious Jewish King of Axum. The two boys won favor with the King who subsequently converted to Christianity. One of the boys Frumentius desired greatly to sit on the Episcopal chair of Alexandria. Having achieved that, Saint Frumentius returned to Axum and organized the Church there having received the appellation Abba Salama – Arabic for Father Peace.

Though Christianity still holds sway over most of modern Ethiopia, she maintained her independence through force of arms and not without ceding territory to the Saracen. Muslims have buffer states in Eritrea and Somalia.
Nubia, whose name in Egyptian means gold, though would no doubt be familiar with the mystery of Christ since Calvary did not accept the faith until she received protection from the Byzantine Empress Theodora in the fifth and sixth centuries.

Through a combination of conquest and amalgamation, Nubia has gone over to the Arab Muslim who continues to oppress his Christian and Animist countrymen. The Christians reside in the southern mineral and petrol rich south. The Islamic government backed by corporate sponsors from Sweden, Canada, Austria and China have slaughtered two million and displacing another three million.

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